Thursday, December 14, 2017

Education as a tool for social change!

Some days ago i watched a movie named "Dead poets society". There is dialogue, the protagonist of the movie 'John Keating' says, "Just when you think you know something, you have to look at in another way. Even though it may seem silly or wrong, you must try." Those words clicked in my mind.

I think Education is the only tool that helps us to see things differently. Bangladesh is a poor, predominantly Muslim country where most of the people blame their fate for their economic and social conditions.
Lack of education has made people passive in Bangladesh. They don't want change their conditions through hard work as they have become the "prisoners of passivity." To break the prison of passivity we must ensure quality education to children.
By providing excellent education to children we have to make them the 'Agents of positive change' who will lead Bangladesh in the future.
Every child of Bangladesh should have quality education otherwise we will never be able to resolve the fundamental problem of unequal power relations. All children regardless of their socioeconomic status are entitled to have Education as article 15 of Bangladesh constitution ensures it.

I strongly believe education is the only tool that can help us to create oppression free pluralistic society where every citizen will enjoy equal opportunity. That's why all children should have an excellent education regardless of socioeconomic status.